Thursday, February 22, 2018

Save the dates.  Our Walk through American Revolution will be March 5th from 12:00 to approximately 2:30 You are welcome to attend for the entire Walk Through or part.  The link is here if you need costume ideas and/or need to reprint student cards.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

 Happy Valentine's Day!!
Thank you for those who have already sent in the $15 dollars for the Starbase program buses.  Please send this  $15 in ASAP! 
 Thank you!!

Related imageImage result for images of hearts

Friday, February 9, 2018

Revolutionary War Re-enactment

The Revolutionary War Days will be held in HB Central Park on February 10th and February 11th.
This is a great way to learn more about the Revolutionary War.  In class, we are just starting to learn about the Revolutionary War and we will be doing the Walk Through the Revolutionary War next month. Go to HBHISTORY.ORG  and click on  "The Revolution" to get more information about this educational event.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Colonial Fair was a HUGE success.  I am glad so many family members were able to attend.  Please see our Colonial Fair tab for updated pictures.

The children will be doing a career research report for March.  Before then, we would like to expose them to a variety of careers.  If you would like to talk to our 5th grade GATE classes about your career choice please sign up here to share on February 22nd. We will be doing Career Day with Dr. Webb's class too.  Thank you!