
June 13th
1)A-Z = due tomorrow
2) 3rd Genre Job due tomorrow
3) Broadway spectacular will start right at 8:10-8:15 so come to school dressed. 
4) Market day is tomorrow
5) Field day is tomorrow- bring comfortable clothes and tennis shoes for this.
6) Last groups for Current Events will go tomorrow.
Rest of the Week - 
1) 50 States/Capitals Test on Friday

June 12th 
Binder Reminder
1)COME Dressed tomorrow for the Broadway Spectacular

(Tell Parents that it won’t start until 8:30 – MAKE sure you have all of your outfits/props.
2) Wed - Class Awards Paper Due

Rest of the Week - 

1) A-Z = due THURSDAY

2)One last Genre Job – due on Thursday

3)S.S.   –  STUDY for STATE/Capital TEST- Friday

4)Current Events – Thursday

June 6th
Binder Reminder
LA     4th plot, author’s note, and suitcase – due tomorrow (you can use an envelope for the suitcase) 
       A-Z Packet - due Next Thursday, May 14th
  Math -          Page 146  #1-15 (Quiz on Friday)
S.S.   –  STUDY for STATE/Capital TEST- Friday
Other  -     MESA VIEW FORMS!!!!

Start getting -Costumes for Broadway Spectacular (Plain White shirt, ripped or dirty looking shirt, bright shirt (plain Yellow, bright green, orange, and pink, jeans)=June 11th - will start using the costumes.

June 5th
1) 3rd Plot and letter - due tomorrow
2) Turn in your Mesa View Elective Choice Paper!!
Rest of the Week
1) Study for your State and Capital Test (Friday)
2) Get-Costumes for Broadway Spectacular (Plain White shirt, ripped or dirty looking shirt, bright shirt (plain Yellow, bright green, orange, and pink, jeans)= We will start using them on June 11th
3) A-Z packet - due next Thursday

June 4th
Binder Reminder
LA     2nd Plot and letter – due tomorrow (Including envelope)  -
       A-Z = due next FRIDAY
Math – Monthly May packet – due Tuesday
            Math – page 104     1-20  and quiz tomorrow
S.S.   –  STUDY for STATE/Capital TEST- Friday
                 Nicolette and Elizabeth and Dylan and Bryce – Friday
                   Everyone else – next Friday
Other  -     MESA VIEW FORMS

Get-Costumes for Broadway Spectacular (Plain White shirt, ripped or dirty looking shirt, bright shirt (plain Yellow, bright green, orange, and pink, jeans)=June 4th

May 29th
1)Glow down forms due ASAP
Rest of the Week 
1) Science Posters - due Friday (You still have an hour of class time)
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) Wordly Wise -Friday (Quiz on Friday) - You have known about this since last week
4) Travel Stories- due NEXT Friday
5) Get your Broadway Spectacular Outfits

May 23rd
2) SBA TESTING - tomorrow
Rest of the Week-
1) Start getting your costumes for the Broadway Spectacular.  You need to them but June 4th. 
2) Map It Out - Friday

3) Wordly Wise - due next Thursday, May 31st

May 22nd
1) State Fair - Thursday 

2) Wordly Wise - due next Thursday, May 31st
3) Start getting your costumes for the Broadway Spectacular.  You need to them but June 4th. 
4) Map It Out - Friday

5) Wordly Wise - due next Thursday, May 31st

May 21st
1) Science Test is tomorrow
2) Tomorrow is the last time to work on State Fair in the class.  (They have had over 8 hours of class time) - The State Fair is this Thursday, May 24th
3) Bring back your field trip forms for Starbase tomorrow!!! ( We have to take them to Los Alamitos Base tomorrow)
4) SBA Testing is tomorrow afternoon.
Rest of the Week/Next Week-
1) Start getting your costumes for the Broadway Spectacular.  You need to them but June 4th. 
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) Wordly Wise - due next Thursday, May 31st

May 17th
1) Science Study Guide - due tomorrow
2) Study for the State and Capital Quiz- first section of the USA
3) Map It Out
4) Bring Back your Starbase Field Trip packet ASAP!!
4)Bring your Tri-fold and items for your State Fair game tomorrow to work on ( This may be your last day to work on your work before State Fair next week)

May 16th
1)  Science Study Guide - on Friday
2) State/Capital Test - Friday (Study) 
3) Monthly Math Packet - due next Friday
4)Bring your Tri-fold and items for your State Fair game on Friday to work on ( This may be your last day to work on your work before State Fair next week)

May 15th
1)LWW - due on Wednesday
2) Tomorrow - Wear your blue 5th grade Shirt for the Performance if you are staying for the Volunteer Luncheon. Parents- please pick up your student by 1:30. Thank you.
Rest of the Week - 
1) Science Study Guide - on Thursday
2) State/Capital Test - Friday (Study)

3) Wednesday - Wear your blue 5th grade Shirt for the Performance

May 14th
1)LWW - due on Wednesday
2) Science Study Guide - on Thursday
3) State/Capital Test - Friday
4) Wednesday - Wear your blue 5th grade Shirt for the Performance

May 8th 
1) Math Packet- due tomorrow (They had a lot of time to work on these pages the last 2 days)
2) LWW - 2 Genre Jobs since Monday
3)Bring your Tri-fold and items for your State Fair game in tomorrow to work on 
Rest of the Week - 
1) State Fair - May 24th

2) Monthly Math Packet -due at the end of the month
3) Bring back the Spring pictures or purchase them

May 7th
1) Wear Blue Circle View Shirts and Jeans for tomorrow for Music production
2) Bring your Tri-fold and items for your State Fair game in tomorrow to work on 
Rest of the Week/Future assignments
1) Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe - Wesdneday - Genre Job for chapters 13 and 14
2) SBA Testing - Thursday- see home page of the blog to see all of the dates that we will be testing
3) State Fair - May 24th
4) Monthly Math Packet -due at the end of the month

May 3rd - 

1) LWW - Friday
1) Wordly Wise - Friday
2) Map It Out - Friday
4) Wear Blue tomorrow
Rest of the Week - 
1) Tri-fold for State Fair and State Research
 (The students have plenty of time to do research in class)
2) Start practicing for SBA - see Link on Home page of the Blog
3) Monthly May Packet - due at the end of May

4) Read book to take AR Quizzes

May 2nd - 
Open House is tonight.  I look forward to seeing everyone there.
1) Electric Circuit writing is due tomorrow
Rest of the Week  - 
1) Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe Genre Job- Friday
2) Wordly Wise - Friday
3) Map It Out - Friday
4) Tri-fold for State Fair and State Research
 (The students have plenty of time to do research in class)
5) Start practicing for SBA - see Link on Home page of the Blog
6) Monthly May Packet - due at the end of May
7) Read book to take AR Quizzes

May 1st
1) Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe Genre Job
Rest of the Week 
1) Wordly Wise - Thursday
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) Tri-fold for State Fair and State Research
 (The students have plenty of time to do research in class)
4) Start practicing for SBA - see Link on Home page of the Blog
5) Monthly May Packet - due at the end of May
6) Read book to take AR Quizzes

April 26th
1) Math Packet - they had over1 hour and 30 minutes to work on this packet today
2) Map It Out
3) Bring in Binder, Baby Picture, Hanger, and a D battery
Rest of the Week -
1) Start practicing for SBA - see Link on Home page of the Blog
1) Monthly May Packet - due at the end of May
2) Read book to take AR Quizzes

April 25th - 
1) Math -
Rest of the Week 
1) Map It out
2) Bring in Binder, Baby Picture, Hanger, and a D battery

3) Work on your Element paragraphs and pictures

April 19th
1) Imagination Machine Writing
2) LWW - Details page
Rest of the Week - 
1) Bring in Binder, Baby Picture, Hanger, and a D battery

2) Work on your Element paragraphs and pictures

April 18th 
1) Math Worksheet
2) Wordly Wise -pages and Quiz tomorrow
Rest of the Week 
1) Bring in Binder, Baby Picture, Hanger, and a D battery
2) Imagination Machine writing - Friday
3) Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe - Details page - due on Friday
4) Work on your Element paragraphs and pictures

April 17th
1) Math worksheet
2) LWW Definitions
Rest of the Week - 
1) Element paragraphs for mobile
2)Wordly Wise - Thursday
3) Bring a Double D battery, a hanger, a 
1 and 1/2 inch binder, and a baby picture in  by next Wednesday ( I will send out an email about that by Thursday)

April 16th
1) Astrocamp Reflection
2) LWW - 3 definitions
3) Finish math problems from book
Rest of the Week - 
1) Wordly Wise - Due Thursday
2) Imagination Machine - due Friday 

April 10th - 
1) Bring a sack lunch and wear your Circle View Shirt tomorrow - Get plenty of rest tonight and eat a good breakfast.
2) Math Worksheets - (They had almost an hour to do these 2 worksheets)

April 9th
1) Picture that goes along the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe book (Color)
2) Finish Spring Break writing
3) Math Pages 
4) Pack for Astrocamp
   Don't forget a packed lunch

March 29th
1) Among the Hidden - the rest of the chapter questions 
2) Map It Out -
3) Tomorrow the Panoramic and Yearbook orders are due. 

March 28th
1) If you still want your Colonial Store Fronts, you need to get them by tomorrow, the 29th or they will be broken down and thrown away.
2) Math Worksheet
3) Grammar Packet
4) Monthly Math Packet
Rest of the Week
1) Map It Out - Friday
2) Rest of Among the Hidden - due on Friday

March 27th
1)Math worksheets
2) Among the Hidden
Rest of the Week  - 
2) Grammar - Thursday
3) Map It Out - Friday

4) Monthly Math Packet - Thursday
March 26th
1) Math worksheets
Rest of the Week - 
1) Among the Hidden - Wed
2) Grammar - Thursday
3) Map It Out - Friday
4) Monthly Math Packet - Thursday

March 22nd - 
1)Math worksheet - Chapter 4 - (the test tomorrow will be like the concepts on this review worksheet along with finding the Circumference and Area of a Circle)
2) Me at 93 - The rest of the writing is due tomorrow. Please print it out tomorrow
3) Map it Out
Next Week - 
1)  Monthly Math Packet - due next Thursday
2)  Market day is next Thursday, March 28th

March 21st - 
1) Math worksheets (2)
2) Wordly Wise 
3) Grammar Packet - 
4) next 2 paragraphs of Me at 93
Rest of the Week
1) Math Test on Chapter 4 in the 6th Grade Text Book as well as the circumference and area of a Circle (Use your journals and worksheets for review too)
2) The rest of Me at 93 is due on Friday
3) Map It out - Friday
4) Monthly Math Packet - due on March 28th

March 20th
1) Math page 173  #1-6
2) Among the Hidden
Rest of the Week  
1) Me at 93 - next 2 paragraphs due on Thursday and the rest is due on Friday
2) Grammar - Thursday 
3) Map It Out - Friday
4) Wordly Wise - Thursday

(The students were given a lot of time to work on 1-4 already in class)

March 19th
1)Directions for using the new math book online:
  • Get User Name and Password for 6th grade math textbook:
    1. Visit www.BigIdeasMath.com.
    2. Click New to Big Ideas Math?
    3. Enter your  Access Code:  ZTAH-GPNG-PPJM    and click Next.
    4. Fill out the required information and click Next.
    5. Write down your username and click Next.  
2) Math pages - 156-157 (9,11,13,15,17)
    Math Pages - 170-171 (8,10,12,14,16,18)
(They had over 30 minutes to work on these)
3) Me at 93 - next 2 paragraphs due tomorrow
(They had computer time to work on this today)
Rest of the Week-
1) Among the Hidden - Chapters 18-21 - due on Wednesday 
2) Grammar - Thursday 
3) Map It Out - Friday
4) Wordly Wise - Thursday
(The students were given a lot of time to work on 1-4 already in class)

March 15th
1) Math Test - Friday - Surface Area, Volume of Compound Figures, Measuring Angles with Protractors, and Triangle Review
2) Science Quiz - Friday - Chapter 7  
3) Among the Hidden Questions 
4) 3 more paragraph for Me at 93 (They had almost an hour to work on these today)

March 14th 
1) Me at 93 - finish 2 more typed paragraphs
2) Math - Pi worksheet
3) Sublimation paper
Rest of the Week
1) Math Test - Friday - Surface Area, Volume of Compound Figures, Measuring Angles with Protractors, and Triangle Review
(Circumference and Area of a circle will be on next week's quiz)
2) Science Quiz - Friday - Chapter 7 and a little from chapter 8 ( We will have a study guide that we do together tomorrow to prepare for this)
3) Rubric's Cube competition - March 27th
4) Market day - March 29th
5) Monthly Math packet - due on March 29th

March 13th
1) Me at 93 - 1st paragraphs are due tomorrow
Rest of the Week
1) Among the Hidden - Friday
2) Math Test - Friday - Surface Area, Volume of Compound Figures, Measuring Angles with Protractors, and Triangle Review
3) Science Quiz - Friday -

March 12th - 
1) Math Pages 
Rest of the Week -
1) Monthly Math Packet
1) Among the Hidden - Friday

March 8th 
1) Among the Hidden 
2) Flip Book 
Next Week - 
1) Monthly Math Packet

March 7th
1) Career Day is on tomorrow. Come dressed and with your prop/artifact to share
2) Grammar packet- due tomorrow
3) S.S.Test
Rest of the Week
1) Flip book is due on Friday
2) Among the Hidden questions - due on Friday

March 6th
1) Career Day Tri-fold due tomorrow
2) S.S. Study Guide is due tomorrow
3) Math worksheet pages 
Rest of the Week - 
1) Career Day is on Thursday 
2) Flip book is due on Friday
3) Grammar - due on Thursday
4) Among the Hidden questions - due on Friday

March 5th - 
1) Math homework -
2) Bring Super Hero props
3) Print your Super Hero story (Leave the top part empty for the picture that I take of you.
Rest of the Week  
1) Career Day Tri-fold - due on Wednesday
2) Career Day is on Thursday morning starting at 8:30 a.m.
3) Social Studies Study Guide - due Wednesday
4) Social Studies Test - Thursday
5) S.S. Flip book - due on Friday
6) Among the Hidden - questions - due Friday
7) Grammar Packet - due Friday

February 27th
1) 1) Math worksheets (only the B sides)
2) Signed Field Trip Forms
3) Among the Hidden Questions
Rest of the Week - 
1) Super Hero story - due Friday (They will have computer time to work on this)
2)  Wordly Wise - Friday
3) Grammar - Thursday
4) Map It Out - Friday
5) Among the Hidden -chapter 1/2 questions
6) Memorize your Walk Through the Revolutionary War parts - (Walk Through is on March 5th)
7) Career Day - Finish by March 7th - (March 8th is the actual Career Day for the students)

(I have given the students 5 different computer times to work on the research for the Career day.  Over half of the students were able to finish their research in this time.  If students were not able to finish during this time, they will have to complete their research at home.)

February 26th - 
1) Math worksheets (only the A sides)
2)Signed Field Trip Forms
Rest of the Week
1) Among the Hidden - chapters 5, 6,7 - Wed
2)  Wordly Wise - Friday
3) Grammar - Thursday
4) Map It Out - Friday
5) Among the Hidden -chapter 1/2 questions
6) Memorize your Walk Through the Revolutionary War parts - (Walk Through is on March 5th)
7) Career Day - Finish by March 7th - (March 8th is the actual Career Day for the students)
(I have given the students 5 different computer times to work on the research for the Career day.  Over half of the students were able to finish their research in this time.  If students were not able to finish during this time, they will have to complete their research at home.)

February 21st
1)  Wordly Wise - Friday
2) Grammar - Friday
3) Among the Hidden -chapter 1/2 questions
4) Memorize your Walk Through the Revolutionary War parts - (Walk Through is on March 5th)
5) Career Day - Finish by March 7th - (March 8th is the actual Career Day for the students)
(I have given the students 5 different computer times to work on the research for the Career day.  Over half of the students were able to finish their research in this time.  If students were not able to finish during this time, they will have to complete their research at home.)

February 20th
1) Wordly Wise - Friday
2) Grammar - Friday
3) Memorize your Walk Through the Revolutionary War parts - (Walk Through is on March 5th)
4) Science -element picture - due on Thursday
5) Among the Hidden -chapter 1/2 questions- Friday

February 15th
1) $15 STARBASE donation
2) Math - 2 worksheets on the metric system and mean, median, mode, range - quiz tomorrow too
3) Witch of Blackbird Pond - I am Poem and Flipbook due tomorrow (They had almost 3 hours of class time to work on these 2 assignments)
Future Assignments - 
1) Career Day - continue working on your research.  The kids have had 3 computer times already to work on their research. The Tri-fold with the research is due on March 7th
2) Parents can still sign up to talk at Career Day next Thursday, February 22nd.  Thank you!!
3) Optional - We are trying to raise money for cancer patients through the Leukemia Society.  The students received little boxes that they can put donations inside and bring back during the next 3 weeks.  

February 14th
1) $15 STARBASE donation
2) Math - 1 worksheet on the metric system
3) Grammar Packet - due Thursday
Rest of the week -
1) Map It Out - Friday
2) Witch Flipbook - Friday
3) Witch - I AM Poem - Friday
4) Career Day - the students have already had three computer times to work on research for Career Day and they will have another one tomorrow.  The Career Day poster is due on March 7th

February 13th
1) Witch - Chapters 19, 20, 21 - due tomorrow
2) Valentine's Cards - if doing them - please do for all 36 students (I will provide bags for the students to decorate
3) Math - 1 worksheet on the metric system
4) $$$$$ Starbase Donation!!
Rest of the Week 
1) Map It Out - Friday
2) Witch Flipbook - Friday
3) Witch - I AM Poem - Friday
4) Career Day - the students have already had 2 computer times to work on research for Career Day and they will have another one tomorrow.  The Career Day poster is due on March 7th

February 8th
1) Starbase $15 Donation
2) Map It Out
3) Science - Atom project
4) Parents can sign up to speak at Career Day- Thanks- this is on the Blog
Rest of the Week - 
1) Witch - Chapters 19, 20, 21 - due next Wednesday

February 7th
1) Wordly Wise
2) Grammar Packet
3) Parents can sign up to speak at Career Day- Thanks- this is on the Blog
Rest of the Week - 
1) Atom Project - Friday
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) Witch - Chapter 19 - due next Wed

February 6th
1) Boo Bubble/Sublimation paper - due tomorrow
2) Witch - Chapter 17 and 18 - due tomorrow
3) GATE Mesa View Letter!
4) Parents can sign up to speak at Career Day- Thanks- this is on the Blog
Rest of the Week - 
1) Super Bowl Math - due on Thursday
2) Atom Project- due on Friday
3) Grammar Packet - Thursday
4) Wordly Wise - Thursday

5) Map It Out - Friday

February 5th
1) Colonial Reflection - due tomorrow
2) GATE Mesa View Letter!
3) Parents can sign up to speak at Career Day- Thanks- this is on the Blog
Rest of the Week - 
4) Witch Chapters 17 and 18 - due Wednesday
5) Grammar Packet - Thursday
6) Wordly Wise - Thursday
7) Map It Out - Friday

February 1st 
1) Olympic Writing - due on tomorrow
2) Math pages = 831, 832, 836, 837
3) Witch - 14, 15, 16 questions - due tomorrow
4) Map it out - due tomorrow

5) Math Test - Friday - on measurement

January 30th
1 Math - 2 worksheets
2)Monthly Math Packet - due Friday
Rest of the Week -

1) Olympic Writing - due on Friday
2) The Colonial Fair is next Thursday, February 1st.  We will have 3 more hours of class time to work on your research and store fronts, but after that, it will have to be completed at home. Please come dressed like you lived in the colonial times next Thursday and passing out items is optional.  
3) Witch - 14, 15, 16 questions - due Friday
4) Map it out - Friday
5) Math Test - Friday - on Customary Measurement

January 29
Pages 847-849 - Math
Rest of the Week - 
1)Monthly Math Packet - due Wed
2) Olympic Writing - due on Thursday
3) The Colonial Fair is next Thursday, February 1st.  We will have 3 more hours of class time to work on your research and store fronts, but after that, it will have to be completed at home. Please come dressed like you lived in the colonial times next Thursday and passing out items is optional.  
4) Witch - 14, 15, 16 questions - due Friday
5) Map it out - Friday
6) Math Test - Friday - on Customary Measurement

January 25th
1) Grammar  Packet -
2) Social Studies Test - tomorrow
Next Week
1) The Colonial Fair is next Thursday, February 1st.  We will have 3 more hours of class time to work on your research and store fronts, but after that, it will have to be completed at home. Please come dressed like you lived in the colonial times next Thursday and passing out items is optional. 2) Map It Out and Math - pages 835 and 841 - due on Monday

3) Monthly Math Packet - due next Friday

January 24th
1) Social Studies Study Guide - Thursday
2) Wordly Wise - Thursday
3) Math - pages 821-823
Rest of the week
1) Social Studies Study Test - Friday
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) Grammar - Friday
4) Social Studies Test - Friday

5) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month
January 23rd
1) math page - 809, 810, 805 (only 1 and 2), and 806 (only 3 and 4)
2) Witch Questions - 10 and 11- Wed
Rest of the week
1) Social Studies Study Guide - Thursday
2) Wordly Wise - Thursday
3) Map It Out - Friday
4) Grammar - Friday
5) Social Studies Test - Friday

6) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month

January 22nd- 
1) math page - 809, 810, 805 (only 1 and 2), and 806 (only 3 and 4)
3) PJ and Pancake donation $$ - Thanks
Rest of the week
1) Witch Questions - 10 and 11- Wed
2) Social Studies Study Guide - Thursday
3) Wordly Wise - Thursday
4) Map It Out - Friday
5) Grammar - Friday
6) Social Studies Test - Friday
7) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month

January 18th
1) Math Test tomorrow - Math worksheet and pages 784-785 (Use both your math journal and your math workbook to study)
2)Magazine Writing - due tomorrow (They have had almost 2 hours to work on this in the class)
3) Map It Out 
4) Witch of Blackbird Pond - chapters 7, 8, 9 - due tomorrow - They had about 1 hour and 20 minutes to work on these questions these last 2 days)
Next Week - 
1) Magazine Picture - due by Tuesday
2) Monthly math packet - due at the end of the week.

January 17th
1) Math worksheet
Rest of the Week -
1) Math Test Friday - use your journal and the math book to study for multiplying and dividing Fractions.  Not everything is in the math book.
2) Magazine Writing - paragraphs 2 and 3 are due on Friday and the Cover is due next Tuesday, Jan. 23rd.
2) Map It Out (1) - Friday
3) Witch of Blackbird Pond - Questions - chapter 7, 8, 9,  due on Friday
4) Colonial Fair - The students hopefully have figured out what they are bringing to build their Colonial Store Front - we will be building on Thursday and Friday this week.
5)  Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month

January 16th 
1) Math worksheet
2) Magazine Writing - Topic sentences and 1st paragraph is due tomorrow
3) PJ and Pancake Donation - Thank you for donating $2 or $3 for this Astrocamp Fundraising Fun activity. 
Rest of the Week  - 
1) Magazine Writing - paragraphs 2 and 3 are due on Thursday and the Cover is due next Tuesday, Jan. 23rd.
2) Map It Out (1) - Friday
3) Witch of Blackbird Pond - Questions - chapter 7, 8, 9,  due on Friday
4) Colonial Fair - The students hopefully have figured out what they are bringing to build their Colonial Store Front - we will be building on Thursday and Friday this week.
5)  Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month

January 11th
1) Math Worksheet
2) Witch - Chapters 3 and 4
3) Colonial Fair - Start getting your supplies together for your Colonial Fair Store Front
Next Week - 
1) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month

January 10th
1) Math - Pages 761, 762, 7676,768, 773, 774
(They had about 40 minutes to work on this)
2) New Year Resolutions Writing
3) Wordly Wise pages and quiz 
Rest of the Week-
1) Witch of Blackbird Pond - Chapter 1 and 2 questions - Wednesday 
2) Colonial Fair - Start getting your supplies together for your Colonial Fair Store Front
3) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month

January 9th
1) Witch of Blackbird Pond - Chapter 1 and 2 questions - Wednesday 
2) Math - Pages 747, 748, 757, 758
Rest of the Week - 
1) Colonial Fair - Start getting your supplies together for your Colonial Fair Store Front
2) Wordly Wise - Thursday

3) New Year Resolutions

January 8th 
1) Holiday Writing 
2) Math - Pages 709, 710, 727, 728, 741
Rest of the Week - 
1) Colonial Fair - Start getting your supplies together for your Colonial Fair Store Front
2) Wordly Wise - Thursday
3) Witch of Blackbird Pond - Chapter 1 and 2 questions - Wednesday

December 19th

1) Science - Independent Project - due Wed
2) Math pages - 685, 691
2) Science Day Donations
3) Monthly Math Packet - Friday

4) Map It Out - Friday

December 18th
1) Think Like A Disciplinarian Paper
2) ROOT - Flipbook
Rest of the Week 
1) Science Day Donations
2) Science - Independent Project - due Wed
3) Monthly Math Packet - Friday
4) Map It Out - Friday

December 14th

1) Math - worksheet
2) Map It Out
3) Figurative Language Packet
4) ROOT - Questions - last 3 chapters - Cite and restate
Next Week  - 
1) Root - Flipbook - due on Tues., Dec. 19th

2) Independent Science Projects - due on Wednesday, Dec. 20th (They have had almost 4 hours of class time to work on this in class already)

December 13th
1) Math - pages 641, 643, 655, and worksheet
2) Wordly Wise - Thursday
Rest of the Week - 
1) Figurative Language Packet - Friday
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) ROOT - Questions - last 3 chapters - Cite and restate
4) Root - Flipbook - due on Tues., Dec. 19th
5) Independent Science Projects - due on Wednesday, Dec. 20th (They have had almost 4 hours of class time to work on this in class already)

6) Monthly Math Packet - due on Dec. 22

December 12th
1)Math pages 639, 640, 653, 654

Rest of the Week - 
1) Wordly Wise - Thursday
2) Figurative Language Packet - Friday
3) Map It Out - Friday
4) ROOT - Questions - last 3 chapters - Cite and restate
5) Root - Flipbook - due on Tues., Dec. 19th
6) Independent Science Projects - due on Wednesday, Dec. 20th (They have had almost 4 hours of class time to work on this in class already)

7) Monthly Math Packet - due on Dec. 22

December 11th
1)Math pages 621, 622, 627, 628
2) Social Studies Test - chapter 6 (Middle Colonies)
3) $$ Money for the class party
Rest of the Week - 
1) Wordly Wise - Thursday
2) Figurative Language Packet - Friday
3) Map It Out - Friday
4) ROOT - Questions - last 3 chapters - Cite and restate
5) Independent Science Projects - due on Wednesday, Dec. 20th (They have had almost 4 hours of class time to work on this in class already)
6) Monthly Math Packet - due on Dec. 22

December 7th
1) Wordly Wise - test is moved to tomorrow
2) Math packet and pages 602-603 (They were given 40 minutes to work on both of these today)
3) Math Test tomorrow
4) Map It Out
5) Cornell Notes 
6) $3-$5 for the holiday party
Rest of the week - 
1) ROOT - due NEXT Friday
2) Independent Space Project - due on Dec. 20th
3) Space Day - Dec. 21st

December 6th
1) Wordly Wise 
2) Math - 2 worksheets
3) S.S. Study Guide
4) $3-$5 for the holiday party
Rest of the Week  - 
1) Cornell Notes - Friday
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) ROOT - due NEXT Friday
4) Independent Space Project - due on Dec. 20th
5) Space Day - Dec. 21st

December 5th
1) ROOT  - chapters 21 and 22 -
2) Math Pages - 591, 597, 598
3) $3-$5 for the holiday party
Rest of the Week
1) S.S. Study Guide - due on Thursday
2) Cornell Notes - due on Friday
3) Wordly Wise - Thursday
4) Map It Out - Friday
5) Independent Space Project - due on Dec. 20th
6) Space Day - Dec. 21st

November 30th
1) Map It Out 
2) ROOT - chapters 19 and 20
3) one 2 liter bottle for Bottle Rockets
4) Math Worksheet
Next Week - 
1) $$ For Holiday paper 
2) Independent Space Project - due on Dec. 20th

November 29th
1) Rest of the writing story
2) Wordly wise - due tomorrow
3) Bring in a 2 liter bottle for making bottle rockets
Rest of the Week
1) ROOT  - Chapters 19 and 20 - Friday
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) Independent Space Project - due on Dec. 20th

Novembe4 28th
1) Math Worksheet
2) 2 first paragraphs of the writing
3)  ROOT - chapter 17 and 18
REST of the Week - 
1) Wordly Wise - Thursday
2) Last 2 paragraphs -Alien Story - Thurs
3) Map It Out

November 27th
1) Math Pages - 553, 554, 559, 565
Rest of the Week - 
1) Root - chapter 17 and 18 - Wed
2) Wordly Wise - Thursday
3) Map It out - Friday

November 16- 
1) S.S. Test tomorrow
2) Map It Out -
3) Coordinate Math
4) 2 math pages
5) Astrocamp paperwork

November 14-
1) Wax Museum is tomorrow - come dressed and ready in the morning.
2) ROOT - chapter 10 and 11 due tomorrow - 
3) Prepostional Phrase poem - due tomorrow
Rest of the week - 
1) Prepostional Phrase Packet - due on Thursday
2) W.W. - due on Thursday before the quiz
3) S.S. Study Guide - due Thursday
4) S.S. Test - on Friday

5) Map It Out - Friday
6) Coordinate Math - Friday

November 13 - 
1) Wax Museum - Memorized Speech - tomorrow
2) Math - Page 515
3) Prepostional Phrase Poem - due on Wed
4) Root - Chapter 10 and 11 - due Wed.
5) Prepostional Phrase Packet - due on Thursday
6) W.W. - due on Thursday before the quiz
7) S.S. Study Guide - due Thursday
8) S.S. Test - on Friday
9) Map It Out - Friday

November 8th
1) WAX Museum - Tri-fold - due tomorrow
2) Math Quiz tomorrow on Pemdas and Algebraic Expressions
3) Map It Out - due tomorrow
4) Science Paper from Monday - due tomorrow
5) ROOT - chapter 7, 8, 9, Questions due - cite and restate - due tomorrow
Next Week -
1) $$$$ Still due for some students for Astrocamp
2) Astrocamp Paperwork - due Nov. 16th
3) Wax Museum (Speeches due on the 14th)

Actual Wax Museum - NOV. 15th (Wed)

November 7th
1) Science Writing Article - due tomorrow (Rough Draft)
2) Math Pages (2) - due tomorrow
Rest of the Week- 
1) ROOT - Chapter 7,8, 9 - due on Thursday
2) Science - Weather paper - due on Wednesday
3) Wax Museum - Tri=folds are due on Thursday, Nov. 9th (Speeches due on the 14th)
Actual Wax Museum - NOV. 15th (Wed)
4) Map It out - due on Thursday
5) $$$$ Still due for some students for Astrocamp
6) Astrocamp Paperwork - due Nov. 16th

November 6th
1) Math Worksheet - Algebraic Expressions - due tomorrow
Rest of the Week - 
1) ROOT - Chapter 7,8, 9 - due on Thursday
2) Science - Weather paper - due on Wednesday
3) Wax Museum - Tri=folds are due on Thursday, Nov. 9th (Speeches due on the 14th)
4) Map It out - due on Thursday
5) $$$$ Still due for some students for Astrocamp
6) Astrocamp Paperwork  - due Nov. 16th

Nov. 2nd - 
1) W.W. Quiz tomorrow
2) Root - chapter 4, 5, 6 questions due
3) S.S. - Test tomorrow
4) Math - Order of Operation pages

October 31st
1) NO School for student tomorrow
2) Thursday- Wordly Wise pages due
3) S.S. Study Guide Due - Thursday
4) Astrocamp Payment is due on Thursday
5) Monthly math packet is due too
Rest of the Week and more:
1) Friday - S.S. Test
2) Friday - Wordly Wise Test
3) ROOT -Chapter 4, 5, 6 = due on Friday
4) Astrocamp paperwork due by Nov. 16th

October 30th
1) Bring a change of clothes if you are dressing up for the Halloween Parade
2) Math - pages 489 and 490 and the worksheet
3) Bring items that you signed up for the Halloween party
4) Monthly Math Packet - due tomorrow - they have had it the whole month
Rest of the Week - 
1) NO School on Wednesday
2) S.S. Study Guide - due on Thursday and the test on Friday
3) Wordly Wise- due on Thursday and quiz on Friday
4) ROOT - Chapter 4-6 due on Friday

October 26th
1) Math page 458  #14-16, page 468 #15-20 and page 459 #1=3
2) ROOT - Chapter 3 questions - due tomorrow
3) Map It Out 
Looking Ahead- 
1) Monthly Math Packet - due on the 31st
2) Wax Museum - completed Tri-fold due on Nov. 9th
2) Nov. 2nd - Astrocamp $$ Due

3) Nov. 16th - Astrocamp Paperwork due

October 25th
1) ROOT - Review your answers in Chapter 2 questions/answers
2) I am Poem
Rest of the week
1) ROOT- Chapter 3 questions are due on Friday
2) Monthly Math Packet - due on the 31st
3) Nov. 1st - Astrocamp $$ Due

4) Nov. 16th - Astrocamp Paperwork due

October 24th
1) ROOT - chapter 1 and 2 - due on Wednesday
Rest of the Week - 
1) I Am Poem - due on Thursday
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) ROOT - questions 3 - due Friday
4) Monthly Math Packet
5) Nov. 1st - Astrocamp $$ Due
6) Nov. 16th - Astrocamp Paperwork due

October 19th
1) Math - pages 383, 408, 415
2) Math Quiz tomorrow on Multiplying Decimals
3) Scholastic News - Finish Back Page
4) BOTR - Flipbook  (They have a lot of time to work on this in class)
Next Week - 
1) Parent Conferences are next week.  The students get out at 12:20 each day.  I look forward to seeing you all then.  I encourage students to attend their conference too.
1) Monthly Math Packet

October 18th - 
1) Math Pages - 381, 409, 410, 413
2) Study for the Science Test
3) Wordly Wise pages and quiz tomorrow
4) Red Ribbon Week writing - 
Rest of the Week - 
1) Map It Out 
2) BOTR -Flipbook
3) Monthly math packet - due at the end of the month
4) Wax Museum - Tri-fold and speech are due on  Nov. 9th and the actual presentation is on Nov. 15th at 8:30 - 9:15 a.m. (I have been giving them class time to work on their research in class)

October 17th
1) Math Pages - 395, 407
2) BOTR - Questions 
3) Western Day - Tomorrow
Rest of the Week
1) BOTR - Flipbook - due on Friday
2) Wordly Wise - due on Thursday
3) Map It Out - due on Friday
4) Red Ribbon Week Writing - Thursday

5) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month

October 16th
1) Math pages  393, 394, 405, 406
2) Signed Roster with updates -turn in
Rest of the Week -
1)Science Test on Thursday
2) BOTR - Questions - due on Wednesday
3) BOTR - Flipbook - due on Friday
4) Wordly Wise - due on Thursday
5) Map It Out - due on Friday
6) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month

October 12th
1) Math Pages - 367, 368, 369
2) Finish writing and picture - World Wonder
3) Map It Out 
4) Math Quiz - on adding and subtracting decimals as well as rounding and different addition properties
5) Look at Roster and see if the info is correct
Next Week -
1) Monthly Math Packet

October 11th - 
1) Math Pages - 317, 347, 365, 366
2) Wordly Wise - Finish the  #2 section -pages and study for the quiz
3) S.S. Explorer Test - use your notes
4) Bring a picture for your Worldy Wise in if you are not going to draw your picture
Rest of the Week - 
1) Map It Out - Friday
2) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month
3) Math Quiz - on Friday - on adding and subtracting decimals as well as rounding and different addition properties

October 10th
1) Finish Math pages - 343,344,463,364
2) BOTR - Wednesday
3) Writing - Word Wonders -finish
Rest of the Week
1) Thursday - S.S. Quiz on Exploration
2) Wordly Wise - lesson 2 pages and quiz
3) Map It Out - Friday
4) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month

October 9th - 
1) Finish Math - pages 337, 338, 305, 311
2) BOTR - Wed
3) Wordly Wise - Thursday
4) Social Studies -Quiz on Thursday
5) Map It Out - Friday
6) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month.

October 5th 
1) Finish Math pages 273, 292- 
2) BOTR - finish questions
3) Finish Typing your Harris Burdick writing
4) Map It Out - 

October 4th 
1) Finish math pages 265 and 266
2) B.O.T.R - due tomorrow
3) Science Poster - your part is due if you did not finish it today
Rest of the Week - 
1) Wordly Wise - Finish pages 1-11 by Thursday before the quiz
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) Monthly Math Packet -due at the end of the Month

October 3rd - 
1) Grammar - 30,31,36,38,39 - Finish
2) Tomorrow is the last day to bring Recorder $
Rest of the Week
1) Wordly Wise - Finish pages 1-11 by Thursday before the quiz
2) B.O.T.R - questions - due on Wednesday
3) Map It Out - Friday

September 28th 
1) B.O.T.R.- questions
2) Math Test- chapter 3 - tomorrow (Finish math pages 240 and 241
3) Monthly Math Packet
4) Map It Out 

  September 27th
1) Finish the rough draft creative writing story.  (They had about 80 minutes to do this in class)
2) Division Worksheet and page 217
Rest of the week - 
1) Map It Out - Friday
2) B.O.T.R. - Friday
3) Monthly Math Packet - Friday
4) Astrocamp Money is due on Nov. 1st

September 26th
1) Math pages - Finish 185, 203, and worksheet (Most students finished already)
2) Blood on the River Questions and picture
3) Picture Day is tomorrow
Rest of the Week - 
1) Creative Writing - rough draft - due on Thursday
2) Map It Out - due on Friday
3) Monthly Math Packet - due on Friday
4)  Astrocamp $ - due on Nov. 1st

5) Picture $ if ordering/any class forms

September 25th
1) Math- Finish Pages 171, 172, 159
Rest of the Week-
1) Picture Day is this Wednesday, Sept. 26th
2) B.O.T.R - Questions and Picture - due on Wednesday
3) Map It Out - due on Friday
4) Monthly Math Packet - due on Friday
5) 2) Astrocamp $ - due on Nov. 1st
6) Picture $ if ordering/any class forms

September 21st
1) Math - pages 144, 145, 146
2)  Math - Chapter 2 Test on Friday
3) Quiz - Friday - Phone numbers and address
4) Friday - Geography Quiz - regions, lakes, Mountains and Mississippi locations, and World Continents and Oceans.
5) Map It Out 
6) Blood on the Questions due tomorrow
Rest of the Week - 

1) Picture Day information went home today in the Take home Tuesday as well as their math test from last week
2) Astrocamp/Class Roster Forms/Emergency Cards/Recorder $

September 20th
1) Math- Finish Pages 120, 121, 122
2) Finish "5th Grade Expectations" writing
3) Power Paper due tomorrow
Rest of the Week
1) Math - Chapter 2 Test on Friday
2) Quiz - Friday - Phone numbers and address
3) Friday - Geography Quiz - regions, lakes, Mountains and Mississippi locations, and World Continents and Oceans.
6) Map It Out - Friday
7) Student Council Forms - Due on Thursday - if you are running

8) Astrocamp/Class Roster Forms/Emergency Cards/Recorder $

September 19th -
1) Math - Finish pages 101, 111, 112
2) B.O.T.R - Chapter 5 and 6 - due tomorrow
3) Grammar- pages 8, 10, 11- due tomorrow
Rest of the Week - 
1) Math - Chapter 2 Test on Friday
2) Quiz - Friday - Phone numbers and address
3) Friday - Geography Quiz - regions, lakes, Mountains and Mississippi locations, and World Continents and Oceans.
4) 5th Grade Expectation Writing  -due Thursday
5) Power Paper - Thursday
6) Map It Out - Friday
7) Student Council Forms - Due on Thursday - if you are running
8) Astrocamp/Class Roster Forms/Emergency Cards/Recorder $

September 18th
1) Math - Finish pages 83 and 95
2) Finish the Language of Discipline - from Science (12 words)
Recess - 
1) Blood on the River - chapter 5 and 6 - due on Wednesday (They had 50 minute already to work on this in class)
2) Grammar - pages 8, 10, 11 - due on Wednesday
(They had 30 minutes already for this)
3) Map It Out - due on Friday (Rhode Island and New Hampshire (They had over an hour already for these) 
4) Student Council Forms - Due on Thursday - if you are running
5) Astrocamp/Class Roster Forms/Emergency Cards

September 14th
1) Finish Math pages 47, 48, 68, 69 (They had about 25 minutes to work on those today)
2) Math Test on chapter 1 tomorrow
3) Blood on the River - Chapter 3 and 4 questions - (They had a little over an hour to complete these questions in class today)
Rest of the week/Next Week
1) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month.
2) Please turn in your  Signed emergency card, school compact, and check off list that was send to you via email from the district.
3) Read the information that went home about Music and P.E. (If your child is purchasing a recorder, please sent the money in an envelope with your child's name and the title 'recorder money'.

September 13th
1) Finish pages 45 and 51 (Most students finished those in class) There will be a test on Friday on chapter 1.
2) Geography partner activity
Rest of the Week/Next Week -  
1) Math Quiz on chapter 1 - on Friday, Sept. 15th. (students can take their math books and journals home to study. Just remind them to bring them to and from every day)
2) The students need to memorize their parent's phone numbers and their addresses for a quiz NEXT Friday , the 22nd. 
3) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month.
4) Please read the packet of papers that I sent home with the students.  It has a list of supplies and donations needed for the class. Thank you for your help with this.
5) Please turn in your  Signed emergency card, school compact, and check off list that was send to you via email from the district.
6) Read the information that went home about Music and P.E. (If your child is purchasing a recorder, please sent the money in an envelope with your child's name and the title 'recorder money'.

September 12th
1) Finish math pages in the workbook. (Most students finished those in class)
2) Finish Blood on the River - questions 11-13
3) Picture Tshirt is due tomorrow

Rest of the Week - 
1) Math Quiz on chapter 1 - on Friday (students can take their math books home to study)
2) The students need to memorize their parent's phone numbers and their addresses for a quiz on Friday. 
3) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month.
4) Please read the packet of papers that I sent home with the students.  It has a list of supplies and donations needed for the class. Thank you for your help with this.

5) Please turn in your  emergency card, school compact, and check off list that was send to you via email from the district.
6) Read the information that went home about Music and P.E.

September 11th
1) Finish the summer writing
2) Finish the Math page 13 
Rest of the Week
1) Picture T-shirts - due next Wednesday, September 13th (see half sheet for directions)\
2) Please read the packet of papers that I sent home with the students.  It has a list of supplies and donations needed for the class. Thank you for your help with this.

3) Please turn in your  emergency card, school compact, and check off list that was send to you via email from the district.
4) Read the information that went home about Music and P.E.

September 8th - 
1) Picture T-shirts - due next Wednesday, September 13th (see half sheet for directions)\
2) Please read the packet of papers that I sent home with the students.  It has a list of supplies and donations needed for the class. Thank you for your help with this.

3) Please turn in your  emergency card, school compact, and check off list that was send to you via email from the district.
4) Read the information that went home about Music and P.E.

September 7th - Homework -
1) Finish the "All about Me" paper by tomorrow that you got on Wednesday
2) Please read the packet of papers that I sent home with the students.  It has a list of supplies and donations needed for the class. Thank you for your help with this.
3) Please turn in your  emergency card, school compact, and check off list that was send to you via email from the district.
1) Picture T-shirts - due next Wednesday, September 13th (see half sheet for directions)

September 6th
1) Please read the packet of papers that I sent home with the students.  It has a list of supplies and donations needed for the class. Thank you for your help with this.
2) Writing - "All About Me" paper due on Friday (They had a lot of time to work on this in class today)
3) Picture T-shirts - due next Wednesday, September 13th (see half sheet for directions)
4) Please turn in your  emergency card, school compact, and check off list that was send to you via email from the district.

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