Sunday, June 10, 2018

June 11th – Dress Rehearsal for Broadway Spectacular (Have all outfits – white shirt, bright shirt, ripped or dirty looking shirt, and jeans.  The students who have lead parts should bring their additional outfits too.)
June 12th- 2nd Dress Rehearsal for Broadway Spectacular
June 13th– Broadway Spectacular for PARENTS 8:30 am.  in the  MPR.  The show will be around 40-45 minutes.
June 14th – Broadway Spectacular Show for the school
June 14th – Field day and Market Day today too. (Bring an extra shirt to change into just in case you get wet during the field day.  For the Market Day, please do not bring any items that have peanuts or any nuts in it.  Thank you.)
June 18th – Glow Zone 5th grade Field Trip (Permission Forms will be going home for this soon. The PTO is paying for a variety of activities and pizza there.  Students are encouraged to bring extra money to play other games.)
June 19th – Movie/PJ day – Yearbook signing
June 20th – Last day of School
- Our Class Breakfast  (8:15 -9:00)– Please click HERE to sign up to bring something.  Thank you!!
June 20th – 5th grade Promotion (11:00) – on lower playground – students need to wear blue Circle View shirt (students can leave right after promotion. They just need to bring their chair back to the class and pick up their report card. School is out at 12:20)
Happy Summer!!!! J

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