Monday, May 14, 2018

  Dear Parents and Students,
     Thank you for all of the amazing cards, flowers, gift cards, lotions, and treats for Teacher Appreciation Week!!   You definitely spoiled me and I felt so special.  Thank you for all of your kind words and gifts.  They truly mean so much to me!
Image result for images of flowers Image result for Broadway Spectacular images  
      In reading, we just finished the chapter book called The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe.  We will be watching the movie in order to do some compare and contrast activities.  Please email back if you do not want your child to watch the movie.  If I do not hear from you, I will assume it is fine for your child to watch the movie.  
      This Wednesday, May 16th, the 5th grade GATE students will be performing some of our Broadway Spectacular songs at the Volunteer Luncheon.   We will provide pizza and drinks for them if they can stay and perform.  Please pick them up by 1:30 unless you were invited to the Luncheon.  Students can be picked up in the lower playground area.
   Broadway Spectacular Props/Costumes -  We do need the students to start getting costumes/ items for their parts in the Broadway Spectacular by June.  They will all need blue jeans, a white plain shirt, a dirty looking or ripped shirt, and a colorful/bright plain shirt.  Some of the students have lead parts, so we will tell them about other clothing or props they may need to also get for the Broadway Spectacular.  Thank you for getting all of these items by the first week in June.  The actual Broadway Spectacular performance is Wednesday, June 13th, at 8:30 a.m. in the MPR.  You do not want to miss this great show!!
   The students have been working hard with state research and creating Tri-folds and games for the State Fair.  The State Fair is next Thursday, May 24th from 8:30 to 9:45 in the MPR.  The students should come dressed in something related to their State along with a completed Tri-fold and State related Game.  They have had about 8 hours of time to do work in class so most of them should be almost done if they have used their time wisely. 
     The students will have SBA testing Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday this week (May 15, 17 and 18) and Tuesday and Thursday of next week (May 22 and 24)This testing will be done in the afternoons, so please do not take your student out of class early those days.  
     Thank you for your continued help and support.  Have a wonderful week.

Jennifer Fisler

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