Sunday, June 17, 2018

June 18th – Glow Zone 5th grade Field Trip Image result for free field trip clip 
We will be walking to Glow Zone so wear comfortable shoes.  Every child will get two slices of pizza as well as a drink.  Your child can bring extra money to play arcade games or buy more food.  EVERYONE will get a Max Pass that includes: Bowling, Mini Golf, Bazooka Ball, Ninja Warrior Courses, Laser Maze, Spin Bumper Cars, and an Augmented Climbing Wall.

Please have your child bring an empty backpack Monday. There will be a few more  things to take home.  

June 19th –  Last P.E. and Movie/PJ day - wear tennis shoes to school since we have P.E.  
June 20th – Last day of School
- Our Class Breakfast  (8:15 -9:00)– Please click HERE to sign up to bring something.  Thank you!! Thank you to those of you who signed up to bring something for this breakfast.
June 20th – 5th grade Promotion (11:00) – on lower playground – students need to wear blue Circle View shirt Students can leave right after promotion. They just need to bring their chair back to the class and pick up their report card. School is out at 12:20.  Yearbooks will also be passed out today and signed today.
Have a wonderful Summer!!!! J

Sunday, June 10, 2018

June 11th – Dress Rehearsal for Broadway Spectacular (Have all outfits – white shirt, bright shirt, ripped or dirty looking shirt, and jeans.  The students who have lead parts should bring their additional outfits too.)
June 12th- 2nd Dress Rehearsal for Broadway Spectacular
June 13th– Broadway Spectacular for PARENTS 8:30 am.  in the  MPR.  The show will be around 40-45 minutes.
June 14th – Broadway Spectacular Show for the school
June 14th – Field day and Market Day today too. (Bring an extra shirt to change into just in case you get wet during the field day.  For the Market Day, please do not bring any items that have peanuts or any nuts in it.  Thank you.)
June 18th – Glow Zone 5th grade Field Trip (Permission Forms will be going home for this soon. The PTO is paying for a variety of activities and pizza there.  Students are encouraged to bring extra money to play other games.)
June 19th – Movie/PJ day – Yearbook signing
June 20th – Last day of School
- Our Class Breakfast  (8:15 -9:00)– Please click HERE to sign up to bring something.  Thank you!!
June 20th – 5th grade Promotion (11:00) – on lower playground – students need to wear blue Circle View shirt (students can leave right after promotion. They just need to bring their chair back to the class and pick up their report card. School is out at 12:20)
Happy Summer!!!! J

Monday, May 28, 2018

End of Year Activities

Last day of school Breakfast Sign- Up - Thank you - Click HERE 

End of the Year Events:
May 29 - June 1st – Starbase Fieldtrip : 9:00 - 12:20 every day (The students will be back by lunch, but they should eat a good breakfast each day since they will miss their snack/recess break)
June 1st – Glowdown-  in the MPR –after school (Forms went home for this last week- turn in ASAP)
June 4th, 5th, and 7th - Finish SBA Testing/ 6th grade placement tests
June 11th – Dress Rehearsal for Broadway Spectacular (Have all outfits – white shirt, bright shirt, ripped or dirty looking shirt, and jeans.  The students who have lead parts should bring their additional outfits too.)
June 12th- 2nd Dress Rehearsal for Broadway Spectacular
June 13th– Broadway Spectacular for PARENTS 8:30 am.  in the  MPR.  The show will be around 40-45 minutes.
June 14th – Broadway Spectacular Show for the school
June 14th – Field day and Market Day today too. (Bring an extra shirt to change into just in case you get wet during the field day.  For the Market Day, please do not bring any items that have peanuts or any nuts in it.  Thank you.)
June 18th – Glow Zone 5th grade Field Trip  (Permission Forms will be going home for this soon. The PTO is paying for a variety of activities and pizza there.  Students are encouraged to bring extra money to play other games.)
June 19th – Movie/PJ day – Yearbook signing
June 20thLast day of School
June 20th – 5th grade Promotion (11:00)on lower playground – students need to wear blue Circle View shirt (students can leave right after promotion. They just need to bring their chair back to the class and pick up their report card. School is out at 12:20)
Happy Summer!!!! J

Friday, May 25, 2018

May you celebrate this long weekend with your family in gratitude for those who have served and continue to serve our country.
We will be going with Dr. Webb's class on our Starbase field trip each day next week. (May 29th - June 1st)  We will return in time for lunch each day. Make sure you eat a good breakfast This will be a nice change from state testing.

The Glow Down Party is next Friday, June 1st right after school.  Bring in your forms if you plan on attending this fun event. 
Image result for images of glowdown parties
State Fair was a huge success. I will post pictures from the State Fair very soon under the State Fair Tab.

Monday, May 21, 2018

  The State Fair is thisThursday, May 24th from 8:30 to 9:45 in the MPR.  The students should come dressed in something related to their State along with a completed Tri-fold and State related Game.  

 Broadway Spectacular Props/Costumes We do need the students to start getting costumes/ items for their parts in the Broadway Spectacular by June 4th!!  They will all need blue jeans, a white plain shirt, a dirty looking or ripped shirt, and a colorful/bright plain shirt.  Some of the students have lead parts, so we will tell them about other clothing or props they may need to also get for the Broadway Spectacular.  Thank you for getting all of these items by the first week in June.  The actual Broadway Spectacular performance is Wednesday, June 13th, at 8:30 a.m. in the MPR.  You do not want to miss this great show!!
     The students will have SBA testing this Tuesday and Thursday of this week (May 22 and 24)This testing will be done in the afternoons, so please do not take your student out of class early those days.  
   Starbase - We will be going to Starbase all next week (Tuesday through Friday) since Monday is a holiday.  We will be gone from 8:30 to12:30 every day.  Please make sure your field trip form is signed and completed by Tuesday, May 22nd.
     Thank you for your continued help and support.  Have a wonderful week.

Monday, May 14, 2018

  Dear Parents and Students,
     Thank you for all of the amazing cards, flowers, gift cards, lotions, and treats for Teacher Appreciation Week!!   You definitely spoiled me and I felt so special.  Thank you for all of your kind words and gifts.  They truly mean so much to me!
Image result for images of flowers Image result for Broadway Spectacular images  
      In reading, we just finished the chapter book called The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe.  We will be watching the movie in order to do some compare and contrast activities.  Please email back if you do not want your child to watch the movie.  If I do not hear from you, I will assume it is fine for your child to watch the movie.  
      This Wednesday, May 16th, the 5th grade GATE students will be performing some of our Broadway Spectacular songs at the Volunteer Luncheon.   We will provide pizza and drinks for them if they can stay and perform.  Please pick them up by 1:30 unless you were invited to the Luncheon.  Students can be picked up in the lower playground area.
   Broadway Spectacular Props/Costumes -  We do need the students to start getting costumes/ items for their parts in the Broadway Spectacular by June.  They will all need blue jeans, a white plain shirt, a dirty looking or ripped shirt, and a colorful/bright plain shirt.  Some of the students have lead parts, so we will tell them about other clothing or props they may need to also get for the Broadway Spectacular.  Thank you for getting all of these items by the first week in June.  The actual Broadway Spectacular performance is Wednesday, June 13th, at 8:30 a.m. in the MPR.  You do not want to miss this great show!!
   The students have been working hard with state research and creating Tri-folds and games for the State Fair.  The State Fair is next Thursday, May 24th from 8:30 to 9:45 in the MPR.  The students should come dressed in something related to their State along with a completed Tri-fold and State related Game.  They have had about 8 hours of time to do work in class so most of them should be almost done if they have used their time wisely. 
     The students will have SBA testing Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday this week (May 15, 17 and 18) and Tuesday and Thursday of next week (May 22 and 24)This testing will be done in the afternoons, so please do not take your student out of class early those days.  
     Thank you for your continued help and support.  Have a wonderful week.

Jennifer Fisler

Monday, May 7, 2018


Music Program - Tuesday, May 8th at 11:30 in the MPR (The 5th graders will go on around 11:50 - 12:00)  Students should wear Circle View 5th grade shirts and jeans. 
Related image
We will be doing SBA Testing on the following dates:  Monday, May 7th
Monday, May 10th
Tuesday, May 15th
Thursday, May 17th
Friday, May 18th
Monday, May 21st
Tuesday, May 22nd
Thursday, May 24th
(additional times will be added if needed)   


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Open House

Open House was a great success and it was wonderful to see all of you!! I am so proud of the students and how much they have accomplished this year.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Upcoming Events - Please read information below the pictures.


         Astrocamp was a great success and the students all had a lot of fun.  We now have a busy next few months until the end of the school year.
         On May 2nd, Circle View will be having Open House.  For Open House, we are asking that each student bring in a 1 or 1 and ½ inch Binder to display all of their published work.  We will also be having a baby picture competition so have your child bring a baby picture with their name written on the back.  We will be doing an electric circuit activity so we need each student to bring a D battery in for this fun activity too.  The students have been doing research on different elements and they need to bring in a wire hanger to hang up their research paragraphs. Please bring all of these items in by Wednesday, April 25th. Thank You!
         We will be doing a Pig Heart Dissection this Thursday, April 26th.
I will take lots of pictures and put them on the Blog for you all to see.
         The California SBA testing will start in May.  The students will be testing a few days a week between May 7th and May 25th.  (The dates that we will be testing include May 7th, May 10th, May 15th, May 16th, May 22nd, and May 24th.)
         The students have started research for the State Fair. 
The students will have class time to do research on their chosen state which they will display on a Tri-fold.  They will need to create some type of game that relates to their State and dress up related to their state. (Ex: NY – Statue of Liberty) State Fair is on May 24th from 8:30 to 9:40 a.m. This is a fun culmination to see.
         The students will be going to Starbase, which is the interactive STEM program, at the Los Alamitos Base.  We will be going for about 3 hours every day on May 29th, May 30th, May 31st, and June 1st.  Thank you for those who donated the $15 to help cover the buses.
         We have started tryouts for our 5th grade GATE Broadway Spectacular.  We will be sending home a costume information sheet in a few weeks.  The Broadway Spectacular will be performed for the parents on Wednesday, June 13th at 8:30 a.m.  This is definitely something you want to put on your calendar and you don’t want to miss!!
  Please email if you have any questions.  I look forward to seeing you all at Open House on May 2nd.